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God made all of us with specific gifts that are made to be used out of our reverent fear of God, to glorify God. 

"If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him b the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen."

1 Peter 4:11

Woman with Bible


Prayer Ministry

Jesus said, “My house shall be called a house of prayer”. Our desire at Brady Methodist Church is to be obedient to the commands of Christ and be a people saturated by the prayers of the righteous.

The spiritual practice of conversing with God involves both speaking to God and listening for His response.

We utilize prayer chains to pray for needs at our homes, our church members, our community, and our nation. We have a prayer team that prays every Sunday morning, asking that the Holy Spirit, join and supply all that is needed for corporate worship. The staff begins each day with prayer in the office. The Methodist ladies stay diligent in a prayer blanket ministry.  Allowing the Church to pray over a specific person with a specific need as they tie knots in a blanket that is delivered to the individual. 

Brady Methodist Church has a team of people committed to praying for the needs of anyone who asks. Simply submit your prayer request below or on Sunday morning.  Be assured that this team will join you in bringing your request before God.


Adult Discipleship

We currently offer three diverse adult Sunday school classes dedicated to equipping disciples with what is needed to make disciples of Jesus Christ and build God’s kingdom.

Senior Book Club
church members


Adult Service Ministry

We have a strong Methodist men and women’s group that focuses on both evangelism (in-house service) and outreach (Hands and feet of Christ in our community and beyond). Providing multiple opportunities to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and visit the sick, widowed, and orphaned. 


Children's Ministry

We believe that every disciple starts with a solid biblical foundation.  We offer three Sunday morning classes for our young disciples.  A nursery that serves children from birth to four. A class for children from Pre-K to 2nd grade and a class for those who are 3rd grade to 5th grade. We also offer a children’s church message made just for them.  While the pastor is preaching, the children go and receive a moderated version of what is being taught in “big church.” 

Children Reading the Holy Bible
youth of the church


Youth Ministry

You are never too young to learn to take up your cross and follow Jesus. Our youth learn to explore who God is, who they are, and who they are in God. We offer a Middle School/High School Sunday school class every Sunday morning. In addition, the youth group meets in the evenings, every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month from 5:30-7:30 pm. We also encourage all young people to participate in evangelism and outreach.  Allowing time for the youth to lead worship, supply special music, and do community outreach. 


Music Ministry

A huge part of us worshiping God is singing praises to His holy name. We currently have a very active choir and handbell ministry. We are a congregation that enjoys worshiping with both traditional hymns and contemporary praise music.  We have many people, including youth, who provide special music and we are always ready to allow people to express the worship of God through instruments and song.   

Reading Music in Choir
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